I am Tobias Teich, originally from
Kiel, Germany. Now, i am studying in Braunschweig enviromental engineering.
What is it that attracts you
the most of what you have around you?
the people in my live are very important for my work. i'd like to take photos
of my good friends. And the city, the urban live, has a strong attraction to me. I think a lot about questions why we built streets, houses, skyscraper, why we need so much concrete in our enviroment.
Tell us about your experience as photographer what did it give you?
For me, it is an possibility to picture the questions i mentioned in the
previous answer.
Three adjectives to describe yourself.
A film, a book and a song
film: Into the Wild
book: Blechtrommel (Günter Grass)
song: Lobby by The Go Find
What camera do you use? lense?
I use a Rolleiflex T with a fixed lense (mf) and a Minolta SRT 101 with a 35mm
or 50mm lense.
about exhibition if you ‘ve had any.
My first was a group-exhibition in Braunschweig. After a little one in Duisburg
and in Braunschweig, I put my first exhibition, called Projekt#Riga, in a real
galery – the EinRaum5-7. We had an awesome vernissage with a great DJ and a lot
of nice people had been there.
Do you sell
prints? How do you make it and where can someone buy?
It is possible to buy my photobook at etsy (https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/181001395/projektriga?)
What was
your most big success?
I think it was this big exhibition last year and the publishment of the
photoook, of course.
I am part of small group of german photographers. We are very different, but we
have the same opinion about photography. They are an important inspiration for
some of your projects
My last big project was „Projekt#Riga“. I cycled 1700km from Braunschweig to
Riga, Latvia. It was a great adventure and i gained many experiences. The
output was the exhibion and the photobook.
Your main
That's a tricky question and very hard to answer. Maybe, it is my concept to
show the world we are living in how it is really is – for me. I do not try to
embelish anything in my work.
What is your occupation, job, interest
besides photography.
I am student at the technical university of Braunschweig. I am studying and
working at the institute of hydraulic constructions. Water has a strong
attraction for me.
Which advice would
you give someone who wants to become a (professional) photographer?
Try anything you want, try to find your way
Do you work as photographer?
I woked has a photographer for my university and for a sports club. But most of
my work, i do for me – not for the money.
Your plans.
We will
see, maybe a series about cyclist or about students of enviromental

I am Tobias Teich, originally from Kiel, Germany. Now, i am studying in Braunschweig enviromental engineering.
Do you sell prints? How do you make it and where can someone buy? It is possible to buy my photobook at etsy (https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/181001395/projektriga?)
We will see, maybe a series about cyclist or about students of enviromental engineering.