
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Interview with photographer Gloria Marigo

About you: 

-I'm Gloria Marigo, 24, Italian photographer. I love art, tv series and chocolate chip cookies.  Art always interested me, is a passion that I inherited from my mom. I attended art school and now i'm recorded at the accademia di belle arti. In addition to photography, I am very passionate too graphic, in fact for almost two years I worked in a graphic design studio, as a graphic designer / assistant photographer.
I dream to work with Tim Walker, photograph  Joaquin Phoenix and to open a studio of my own. 

What is it that attracts you the most of what you have around you?

-Everything i have around, attracts me. It can be a face, a film seen a long time ago and you randomly comes to mind, a song, a place.

Tell us about your experience as  photographer what did it give you?

-The photograph gave me and gives me a lot. Is the art form that I decided to "marry" and I could not choose another. is a continuous learning new things and evolve. 
The changes that I as a person, I see them in my photographs and I really like this. Of course, not always a bed of roses, things do not always go as expected, there are difficult days, but it is something I love so much, that none of this prevents me to go ahead and continue on my way.

Three adjectives to describe yourself.

-Simple, curious, melancholy.

A film, a book and a song.

-Film: Restless - Gus Van Sant

Book: High Fidelity - Nick Hornby

Song: Goodbye dear friend - Deer tick

What camera do you use? Dou you use one lense?

-I have a canon eos 450d, with two lenses: 18-55 and a 50mm f 1.8 (which I love)
Currently, I am using so much, the disposable cameras and my lovely fuji instax wide.

Tell about exhibition if you ‘ve had any.

-Long, long ago I organized an exhibition of mine, but it was a really tiny thing, even if it makes me smile when I think about it. Taking pictures for almost a year and a half and I had the idea to organize an exhibition, titled, Say yes". That is, I went around to ask several people to be my model and who consented, would find himself exposed.

In future, would like to be able to organize something else.

Do you sell prits? How do you make it and where can someone buy?

-Yes! A year and a half ago, I created my little shop of prints. I opened it on is very nice and easy to use. This is the link:
You will find a section with all the information to buy, various promotions and of course, a lot of my photos in the size you prefer :)) 

What was your most big success?

-For now, I think it was when I was selected by Vogue Italia along with ten other photographers, to photograph a famous brand of jewelry.

Favourite photographer.

-Tim Walker

Describe some of your projects

-Past or future? One of my future projects, is , as I finish the exams, make my very first service in the studio. I've never done this before and I'm very excited!

Your main concept.

-Be the change you want to see in the world.

Your plans

-My plans, for now, are to finish the university and make lots and lots of photos. 
Continue to improve and to test myself and my photography. 

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